ATAD Won SCTV Studio Office Building Project

2015-07-28 10:48:51

With more than 20 years of construction and development, SCTV is one of the biggest television network in Vietnam and a pay TV leader on nationwide market share, extensive nationwide coverage to 53/63 provinces in Vietnam. With the mission of becoming a leader in Vietnam and ASEAN telecommunications and data communication market, SCTV has built studios, broadcasting buildings to service development needs.

In June 2015, ATAD Steel Structure Corporation was awarded by the main contractor to take charge the scope of designing, manufacturing and erection of SCTV Studio Office Building Project. With experience in similar civil projects, ATAD’s design meets high demands in terms of complicated and aesthetic of the project. Moreover, ATAD also applies in SCTV project a new steel stair solution: steel stair with reverse treads that helps to pour concrete and pave stone on the tread. In addition, this new solution allows overcoming noise and vibration of common steel stairs.

The highly professional management system, a fundamental part of ATAD, will guarantee the handover of all pre-engineered buildings within the respect of schedule, quality and safety expectations of Owner and General contractor.

SCTV Studio Office Building

SCTV Studio Office Building 1

SCTV Studio Office Building 2

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