The signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between ATAD Steel Structure and University of Architecture HCMC

2017-03-24 09:15:54

In March 21, 2017, ATAD Steel Structure Corporation and University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City (UAH) held the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement at University of Architecture HCMC.

The signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between ATAD and UAH

The ceremony was attended by Dr.Arch Le Van Thuong – Rector, M. Arch. Truong Ngoc An – Party Secretary, M. Nguyen Hoang Minh Vu, Dr. Chung Bac Ai– Vice Rector and other department’s representatives. As representatives of ATAD, there were Mr. Huynh Ngoc Dong – Chairman, Mr. Nguyen Le Anh Tuan – General Director and other department managers.

At the ceremony, Dr. Le Van Thuong – Rector shared that this event is an important strategy to implement one of the three biggest goals of UAH: actual working environment for students. Dr. Le Van Thuong highly appreciated the potential for development of steel structures and the great career opportunities in this industry.

ATAD is committed to sponsor for education and scientific research activities from 2017 to 2019. ATAD sponsored an educational scholarship fund and “ATAD enlightens Steel Spirit” award for outstanding students. Moreover, there will be internship programs and field trips for students as well as organize academic activities such as conferences, seminars with steel structure experts.

Dr. Le Van Thuong and Mr. Nguyen Le Anh Tuan in the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement

Mr. Tuan presented gift to UAH

After the ceremony, more than 200 students enthusiastically participated in the seminar:  “Steel structure – the best structural solution in modern construction and its application” presented by Mr. Huynh Ngoc Dong – Chairman. Mr. Huynh Ngoc Dong introduced the steel structure industry in Southeast Asia and shared his practical experiences.

Mr. Huynh Ngoc Dong - Chairman received flowers from UAH

The cooperation signing ceremony completed successfully. This is an important part to improve the quality of human resources and contribute to the technology development of steel structure industry.

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