Phan Thiet Summer Vacation For Workshop Workers

2010-07-12 13:46:19
  • Every year, ATAD Steel Structure Corporation has coordinated with Labor Union Commitee to organize tour trips for the employees. This year is also not our exeption, we had the wonderful trip in the coastal city of Phan Thiet on 10-11/07/2010.
  • We have set up the games to connect the solidary spirit between workers and workers as well as workers and staff , with a purpose is to make ATAD’s workers and staff closer and more understanding each other.DL_Phan_Thiet_3DL_Phan_Thiet_2
  • After two-day-trip with a lot of fun, the radiant smiles on the faces of the workers and staff proved the effect and benefit of the trip.
  • Despite of tiredness , everybody feel very happy, we are expecting that the next year more and more employees would join the oncomming trips together with more attractive and diversified tour programs.DL_PhanThiet_1

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