Donation For The Flooding Compatriots

2010-10-20 16:24:43

In October of 2010, Vietnamese at different areas have congregated to find out solutions to help these disaster victims in The Central of Viet Nam. A number of organizations, agencies and all people who were living and used to live in Viet Nam have taken actions to assist, support and decrease the painful loss that they have been suffered through the non-stop storm raining from October till now.

The important task is “Let the flooding compatriots back to their life and recover their mental, their health, their possession promptly”, ATAD Steel Structure Corporation from leaders to staffs subscribed to the charity amount of 18.000.000 VND ( Including: 10.000.000 VND for Youth Newspaper, 5.000.000 VND for Youth Entrepreneur Organization, 3.000.000 for Duc Hoa Committee Front).

For sharing a part of this unexpected matter, ATAD understands that nothing can compensate for their pain and their loss they have undergone. However, with the tradition and spirit of Vietnamese, we want them to understand that there are nobody left them behind and send all the best wishes to them.

Pray for all of the central victims.cuu-tro

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