Close-up of T3 Terminal - Tan Son Nhat Airport speeds up 'to the finish'

2024-08-09 13:10:42

According to VietnamFinance Source: see original article here.

(VNF) – With an investment of over 10.8 trillion VND, the T3 Terminal Project – Tan Son Nhat International Airport is being accelerated by more than 2 months compared to the original plan.

1-Nhà ga T3 đã thi công hơn 70% khối lượng công việc

The T3 terminal has completed over 70% of its work volume.

According to the Ministry of Transport, the T3 Terminal Project – Tan Son Nhat International Airport has been approved for investment by the Prime Minister. The investor, Airports Corporation of Vietnam (ACV), has approved the project with a total investment of approximately 10.873 trillion VND, capable of handling 20 million passengers per year.

2-Góc nhìn từ Nhà ga T3 về phía đường băng sân bay Tân Sơn Nhất

View from the T3 Terminal towards the Tan Son Nhat airport runway.

Upon completion, the Project and its supportive infrastructure will serve domestic operations at Tan Son Nhat International Airport, meeting the operational demands in line with the planning and distribution of operational volume with Long Thanh International Airport, alleviating the overload at the current T1 Terminal, and enhancing the quality of passenger services.

3-Nhà thầu đang thi công gian khung bao che mặt dựng

The contractor is working on the facade frame.

Due to complications in land clearance, the Project, which commenced in December 2022, only began the main construction package on August 31, 2023: “Construction and installation of T3 passenger terminal equipment.” The contract is effective from October 15, 2023, with a construction time under the contract of 20 months, set for completion on June 15, 2025.

4-Thi công cột BTCT cho cầu cạn lên Nhà ga T3

Construction of the reinforced concrete columns for the elevated bridge to the T3 Terminal.

According to the Ministry of Transport, during a visit and working session on February 12, 2024, at the Project site, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh directed the investor, consulting unit, and contractors to focus all resources, reassess the critical path, and implement solutions to shorten the schedule by 2 months compared to the contract, with a determination to complete the project in time for the April 30, 2025 anniversary, marking 50 years since the liberation of the South and national reunification.

5-Một phần đường dẫn cầu cạn lên Nhà ga T3 đã hoàn thành hạng mục BTCT

A portion of the elevated bridge leading to the T3 Terminal has completed the reinforced concrete section.

The Ministry of Transport has also reported that the rough construction of the project has now been completed, with efforts currently focused on finalizing the architectural, construction, interior, and equipment installation work. Overall, the project has achieved approximately 70% of the total volume.

6-Thi công phần móng cột mái hiên sảnh đưa đón hành khách

Construction of the foundation for the canopy columns at the passenger drop-off area is underway.

Observations at Terminal T3 in the days leading up to the September 2nd holiday show that construction is bustling, with hundreds of workers and engineers on site. The main structural work for Terminal T3 has completed 100% of the required tasks, covering an area of 112,000 square meters. Other major items, including a 2-level basement parking garage and 4 above-ground levels totaling 130,000 square meters, as well as a more than 4,700 square meter aircraft parking area and a mechanical building with a wastewater treatment station, have also reached 100% structural completion.

7-Công nhân đang lắp đặt cụm bulong neo cho cột chống mái hiên

Workers are installing the anchoring bolts for the canopy support columns.

A representative for the project investor stated that they have successfully overcome the biggest challenge, which was the limited construction site. The contractors on site have organized and mobilized nearly 2,500 workers and engineers, alongside hundreds of construction machines operating day and night. The application of advanced technologies has also been crucial in shortening the construction timeline. Consequently, they have excelled in a recent push commemorating the liberation of the South on April 30, 2024, achieving the goal of completing the reinforced concrete for major structural components.


8-Công nhân đang hoàn thiện một hạng mục thép bên trong Nhà ga T3

Workers are finishing a steel section inside Terminal T3.

“Using a similar approach, the investor has launched a second campaign aiming to complete the installation of the steel structure and roofing in time for National Day on September 2, 2024. To date, the established goals have been nearly 100% achieved,” the representative shared.

9-Kết cấu thép vòm không gian chịu lực khung mái che đã lắp đặt hoàn thiện

The steel structure of the spatial dome supporting the roofing canopy has been fully installed.

In a conversation with VietnamFinance, Nguyen Van Hung, a worker at ATAD Steel Structure Corporation (the contractor for the roofing structure), mentioned that they have now completed nearly 100% of the work volume, and the engineers and workers are currently conducting inspections, adjustments, and handing over the sections to the roofing contractor.

10-Công nhân đang kiểm tra, tinh chỉnh hạng mục kết cấu mái che Nhà ga T3

Workers are inspecting and fine-tuning the structural components of the T3 terminal canopy.

Currently, the roofing work is being actively carried out by the contractor to ensure completion by the set deadline of September 2nd. Other finishing works, such as walls, electrical systems, etc., are also being vigorously implemented, with construction ongoing around the clock during the National Day holiday.


11-Công nhân đang lắp dựng khung sắt cho mặt ngoài bao che

Workers are assembling the steel framework for the exterior enclosure.

The T3 terminal project at Tan Son Nhat Airport includes four main components: passenger terminal, multi-story parking garage combined with non-aeronautical services, elevated road system in front of the terminal, and aircraft parking area. Once operational, it will be the largest domestic passenger terminal in the country, increasing the total capacity of Tan Son Nhat Airport to 50 million passengers annually, alongside the existing T1 and T2 terminals.

Theo Nam Phuong – VietnamFinance

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