ATAD Took Part In The Contest: “ Well Singer In Workers-Labors Duc Hoa District 2nd 2009

2009-05-24 14:10:31

Receiving the invitation of the Union board – Duc Hoa District, ATAD took part in the contest : “ Well singer in workers-labors Duc Hoa District 2nd 2009” in occasion 80 years establishment of Vietnam labor union aniversary, ATAD Steel Structure Corporation joined to exchange, study experience in labor union movement and close solidarity with other teams.

S7301578_resizeWith 33 contestants joined this contest, we are honour and proud that all 4 contestants ATAD had joined and also won the prize with the rank as below :
Firt prize with 2 songs DAT NUOC and NHUNG ANH SAO DEM belong to Mr. Huynh Truong Huy Tung.
Consolation prize belong to Mr Tran Quoc Bao, Ms Ngo Mong Linh and Mr Tran Quoc Trung.

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