ATAD ranked in the top 500 private enterprises of Vietnam

2017-01-20 18:03:44

In January 19, ATAD representatives participated in the Ceremony for Annoucement of VNR500 – Top 500 Vietnamese largest enterprises at Daewoo Hotel, Hanoi. At the ceremony, ATAD was honored on stage and received the certificate of VNR500.

VNR500 by Revenue Ranking Board, the same as Fortune 500 model is based on research results with international standard of Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company with the consultant of Vietnamese and international experts.

This result demonstrates the strong development of ATAD in 2016. We will continue to grow strongly in 2017 and commit to giving our customers products and services with the quality, schedule  and customer requirements.
ATAD representative received the certificate of VNR500ATAD representative received the certificate of VNR500
ATAD and other companies on the VNR500 stage

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