ATAD completed phase 2 of Ton Dong A project - the equipment support system

2017-07-11 13:53:26

With the orientation “Build a Green Life Together”, Ton Dong A invests into the premium production lines with advanced and innovative production technology and techniques from Europe, Japan, Korea, USA and etc. These lines will be installed and put into operation in phase 2 of Ton Dong A plant in Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province.

Along with the implementation of the steel structure system, ATAD also designed, fabricated and erected the steel equipment support and structure of the hot dip continuous galvalume steel line with capacity of 150,000 tons/year. This project requires highly complex steel structure for modern production lines imported from Europe.

With the professional management and extensive experiences in complex support structure projects, ATAD has completed the project in accordance with the schedule, quality and safety requirements.

Ton Dong A 2 factory Steel support system - Ton Dong A factory 1 Steel support system - Ton Dong A factory 2 Steel support system - Ton Dong A factory 3

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