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Quality Policy & Safety

Quality Policy is one of the most important elements of ATAD to meet perfectly the customer’s requirements, branding Steel Structure Company by top quality and reputation in the Vietnamese and international market.

To ensure high quality in the entire process of: design, manufacturing and erection, ATAD has standardized a management system according to ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. This is a quality management system which is developed and enforced by the international standard organization. Standardized management system not only helps ATAD to create, implement, control and improve all production processes well, but also contributes to build the trustable brand name, enhances ATADs prestige in both of domestic and international markets.

Besides that, With principle “Satisfy our customers’ needs and expectations, protect environment, ensure safety and health for people”, General Director of ATAD Steel Structure Corporation has released the policy of “Quality – Environment – Safety” that bases on “Prestige, Thinking, and Responsibility“.




Management and Responsibility

– Safety, healthy environment are considered as partially indispensable in ATAD’s Organization Structure and Business

– Complying with Requirements and Law in both external and internal environment of this policy

– Measurement to safety, healthy, environmental management system

Working Environment

– Minimize external environmental effect to transaction business

– Maintaining safety work environment for employees, furnishing and training essential information

Continuous Improvement

– Work Supervision and Work Measurement.

– Speeding up to raise productivity

Control and Check

– Application HSE’s regulations for the whole process and product development

– All staff gathering at factory’s main door

– Checking policy compliance of the staff from management hierarchy to employees

Prevention Information

– Informing all employees about safety, healthy, environmental policy

– Informing all staff about safety implementary steps in emergency case

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