ATAD Steel Structure Corporation held the 2024 year-end party and celebrated the 20th anniversary at the Long An and Dong Nai factories. The event brought together the leadership team and all factory staff.

The Board of Directors expressed their gratitude to suppliers, subcontractors, partners, and especially the employees at ATAD Long An and Dong Nai factories.
To celebrate 20 years of establishment, the leadership team honored long-serving employees who have been with ATAD for 5, 10, 15, and 20 years.

Additionally, the party featured impressive performances enthusiastically participated by the factory staff. Also, the lucky draw with valuable prizes received enthusiastic responses from the attendees.
The event ended with memorable and meaningful moments, showcasing the unity of the ATAD family. On the new journey, ATAD will continue to reach new heights, reaffirm its leading position, and achieve even greater success in the future.