Joyful Atmosphere Of Mid-Autumn Festival With ATAD

2015-09-28 17:47:12

In the joyful atmosphere of Mid-Autumn Festival, ATAD organized “Happy Full-moon Festival” for all staffs’s children.

The event was amazingly fantastic with many exciting games for children such as rabbits eat grass, hair braiding contest, singing and dancing. Besides that, children also received lovely and cute gifts to take home.

Here are some unforgettable images of the event:

Mid-Autumn FestivalPhoto 1: Let’s play “Dancing to the music”

Mid-Autumn Festival 1Photo 2: Let’s do push ups

Mid-Autumn Festival 3Photo 3: Children also received lovely and cute gifts

Mid-Autumn Festival 4Photo 4: Children excitedly opened ATAD gifts

Mid-Autumn Festival 5Photo 5: “We want to be ATAD staff when we grow up”

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