ATAD Implemented NEP Project - Scotland

2022-09-06 15:12:59

NEP is a heavy steel structure project in the oil and gas industry located in Scotland, Europe. The project has a scale of 5.700 ton, meeting European standards EN 1090 (*)

(*) EN 1090 is a set of standards specifying requirements for assessment and certification of conformity in the machining of steel and aluminum structures as well as technical requirements in the machining and fabrication of steel and aluminum structures. In which EN 1090-1 is the requirements for conformity assessment for structural components (CE marking) and EN 1090-2 is the technical requirements for the execution of steel structures.

As a steel structure contractor to design and manufacture projects, ATAD has fully met the requirements for progress, quality and safety by the Investor

NEP - Scotland NEP - Scotland 1 NEP - Scotland 2 NEP - Scotland 3 NEP - Scotland 4

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