ATAD guarantee to fulfill compensation and benefits package seriously and fairly. Employee’s recognition is not simply just compensated from monthly salary but also in conjunction with different promising compensation and benefits packages.
Activities: Conference, annual team building activities from different departments, company trips
Utilities: ATAD’s library, ATAD family social network.
At ATAD, we will setup specific milestones in career based on your capability and performance. Employee’s career will develop alongside with the growth of company
With the purpose of comprehensive human development, ATAD develops highly professional training policy
Professional training
Organize internal training for each department
Financial support for employee to participate in external training courses
Long-term training programs for young potential employees
Soft skill training
Provide employees with support to participate in soft skill development courses
Teambuilding activities of departments every quarter
Invite special guests or famous speakers to share with ATAD members
English courses
English speaking club
Provide financial support for employees to study English courses