ATAD Organizes Steel Structure Erection Ceremony For Roof Of Central Area & PT1 At Long Thanh International Airport

2024-11-10 13:41:31

On November 9, ATAD held a ceremony to install the steel structure for the central area roof &. PT1. The CEN area roof is regarded as the “Heart of the Long Thanh Airport project” – A national key project that, once completed, is expected to be the largest and most modern airport in Southeast Asia, becoming a symbol of Vietnam’s aviation industry. Notably, the steel structure of this project has become a symbol of the strength of Vietnam’s construction industry in steel structure engineering.

 ATAD organizes steel structure erection ceremony for roof of central area & PT1 at long thanh international airport
ATAD organizes steel structure erection ceremony for roof of central area & PT1 at long thanh international airport

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Evren Isit Bingol – Chief Commander of the VIETUR Consortium for Package 5.10; Representatives of joint venture units in VIETUR; Representatives from the Long Thanh International Airport Project Management Board; Members of the Executive Board and Long Thanh Project Management Team of ATAD Steel Structure Corporation, along with staff from various departments.

The ceremony was attended by Mr. Evren Isit Bingol, the Head of the VIETUR consortium for bidding package 5.10, Mr. Nguyen Le Anh Tuan - General Director of ATAD Steel Structure Corporation, along with representatives from the relevant units
The ceremony was attended by Mr. Evren Isit Bingol, the Head of the VIETUR consortium for bidding package 5.10, Mr. Nguyen Le Anh Tuan – General Director of ATAD Steel Structure Corporation, along with representatives from the relevant units

The CEN area weighs 5,160 tons and is considered the largest, most complex, and most challenging steel structure to date. A unique aspect of this project is the use of lifting technology to simultaneously raise this massive steel structure. Once completed, it will form a “steel flower”, setting a record for ATAD in Vietnam’s construction industry. Additionally, ATAD employs 3D scanning technology to control quality and ensure the precision of steel structure assemblies, from the manufacturing stage at the factory to the final installation.

The CEN area weighs 5,160 tons and is considered the largest, most complex, most challenging steel structure to date
Area CEN memiliki berat 5.160 ton dan dianggap sebagai struktur baja terbesar, paling kompleks, dan paling menantang hingga saat ini.

ATAD Steel Structure Corporation, dengan pengalaman luas dalam pemasangan struktur baja untuk proyek bandara kompleks, struktur stasiun metro, pembangkit listrik, dan pabrik petrokimia baik di dalam maupun luar negeri, merasa terhormat untuk menjadi kontraktor utama untuk struktur baja dan sistem atap proyek Bandara Long Thanh.

ATAD is honored to take on the role of the main contractor for the steel structure and roofing system of the Long Thanh Airport project
ATAD merasa terhormat untuk mengemban peran sebagai kontraktor utama untuk struktur baja dan sistem atap proyek Bandara Long Thanh.

Dengan dukungan antusias dari semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proyek Bandara Long Thanh, termasuk instansi pemerintah, investor, konsultan pengawas, dan anggota usaha patungan, ATAD, dengan tim kepemimpinan, insinyur, dan pekerja kami yang berpengalaman, dikombinasikan dengan penerapan teknologi tercanggih di industri struktur baja, dan semangat persatuan dan tekad untuk “menaklukkan panas dan hujan”, “bekerja dalam 3 shift, 4 tim”, ATAD sepenuhnya siap untuk mempercepat kemajuan proyek sambil memastikan kualitas dan standar estetika untuk sistem atap Bandara Internasional Long Thanh.

ATAD selalu berkomitmen untuk menyediakan solusi konstruksi berkualitas tinggi yang dioptimalkan secara teknis dan aman. Setiap langkah maju dalam proyek Bandara Long Thanh adalah bukti upaya berkelanjutan dari seluruh anggota ATAD.

Mari kita lihat momen-momen pertama pemasangan struktur baja untuk area sentral proyek Bandara Internasional Long Thanh:

Aerial view of the steel structure of the project during erection
Tampilan udara struktur baja proyek selama ereksi
The first images of ATAD officially assembling steel structures and roofs at Long Thanh airport
Gambar pertama ATAD secara resmi memasang struktur baja dan atap di bandara Long Thanh
The CEN area roof is regarded as the “Heart of the Long Thanh Airport project”
Atap area CEN dianggap sebagai “Jantung dari proyek Bandara Long Thanh”

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